1 Day – Linux Foundation

A 1 day overview of the Linux command line environment for staff who occasionally have to work in the Linux environment. The course covers the Linux shell command line, filename wildcards, I/O redirection, pipelines, filesystem structure and common utility commands. The focus is on a pragmatic introduction to running commands, checking the contents of directories and to be able to follow instructions to configure software packages.


This course is designed for staff with little or no prior experience of the Linux command line, but have basic familiarity with using a computer keyboard and mouse in a window based environment such as Microsoft Windows, Linux Desktop or Mac OS X.

Learning Objectives

The course will introduce staff to using the Linux shell command line, specifically:

  • Logging in and using the command line interface
  • Running commands
  • Managing files and directories
  • Using pipelines
  • Saving command output
  • Sources of help information


This course comprises a mix of theory, demonstrations and hands on exercises. Approximately 50% of the time is hands-on.

Day 1 – Linux Command Line & Filesystem

  • Logging in & the shell command line
  • Manual pages and other sources of help
  • Command line editing and history
  • Home directory
  • Relative and absolute pathnames
  • Copying , renaming files and directories
  • Creating and deleting files/directories
  • Filename generation (wildcards)
  • Pipelines and I/O redirection
  • Extracting tar, zip and gzip archives